Monday, 20 August 2012

First post - Getting java classes to work in Matlab

First, a little background:

A problem in research is not only the diversity of tools (also lack of benchmarks, etc.) used but also programming languages used. I think this is especially the case in applied and computational topology. There is C++, java, python, matlab, and a few others I am sure - but lets just stick with those...

Now there are a number for great packages for doing computational/appiled topology...assuming they do exactly what you want - thats not to say they are not extensible, rather they are optimized for certain things (like getting work done) - and anyone who has played around with a Rips complex can appreciate this - efficient code is crucial.

On the other side - this makes playing around with new concepts kind of difficult. Brings us to the problem: I need to compute persistent cohomology and need cocycles - and I want access to this in MATLAB. There is code to do this, but not quite the way I want I coded it up in MATLAB...but there is a nasty loop which makes things slow...then in C++, thinking I can compile into a MEX file. Couldnt get the appropriately old compiler to work....ok...well I will just use java....

A strongest language is C and C++, then python/java/ IDE is emacs or much more rarely vim (I suppose for this stuff i should just use eclipse)

I write everything, compile, read the documentation...import into matlab and nothing happens...non-descript error...

I wasnt that far off but here are a few things to help you save a few hours -  and one last thing, I discovered

it is great for random things which are not in the documentation.

1.) Import in MATLAB will look like it worked regardless of whether it did, you will just see an error when you access a class.

2.) In MATLAB do java -version

this will likely be some old could try to update it, it may work, I have no idea. The easier way to do it is when you compile do

javac -target 1.x -source 1.x

in my case i used 1.6. java will complain about missing bootstrap files, but it should compile

3.) Use packages. If you are relatively new to java, put all your java in one directory and lets call it MyFiles. then at the top of each file put

package MyFiles;

then you compile ad one directory lower do

jar cvf MyFiles.jar MyFiles/

4.) Actual importing - you need to add the path with the jar file using


in MATLAB. Here I suggest you use the full path name rather than relative path name, since there may be some subtle wierdness in MATLAB. Then continuing the example from above -

import MyFiles.*;

Now you should have access to your classes as

R = MyFiles.MyClass();

4.) Returning data from java methods: For me the whole point is that I can go back and forth between java and matlab. Here I suggest you make dedicated methods in your java class which return int[][] or double[][]. Then if need be have a second matlab script which does something like


Note there a re faster ways to do this, but this I think is the simplest.

For the output methods...if it is some dynamic structure. I generally make a Vector or something like that then turn it into a static array and copy it over into my int or double array. This is not very efficient but I have limited passing back and forth so its ok...

A full example:
I have a directory testClass/
inside i make the following

package testClass;

public class myClass
  public double value;

  public myClass()
      value = 0;

  public double add_modp(double v,int p)
      System.out.println("adding mod "+p);
      return (value+v;


javac -target 1.6 -source 1.6 testClass/


jar cvf testClass.jar testClass/

in Matlab

import testClass.*

now we can call

t = testClass.myClass();

and so there output isnt a problem but I will write up my (inelegant) solution at some point.

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