One more technical post before getting on with more research stuff next week. Writing papers in LaTeX is made far easier with some kind of versioning system. Now I don't have any particular favorites and if there is some kind of institutional system set up then you should probably go with that to save some headaches. However, there are often delays with getting new people from outside the institution into the system so there is some incentive to run your own.
I recommend gitolite especially if you are on some version of linux. All you need is a box which people can access via ssh. The cool part is you don't need to give people an account on your machine you just get them to send you their public keys.
First make an account - call it git_admin but you can name it anything you wish. As root
>># adduser git_admin
>># passwd git_admin
download and install gitolite, if you are on a major distribution (fedora, ubuntu, etc.) there will be a package
Next generate a public-private key for git_admin -
>> su - git_admin
>> ssh-keygen
>> cp ~/.ssh/ /tmp/
make sure to name the file
login to gitolite - again as root
>># su - gitolite
>>gl-setup /tmp/
got back to the git-admin account and do
>>git clone gitolite@localhost:git-admin
if you want the admin files on a different machine replace localhost with the appropriate ip address/name
Now to add a repo go to git-admin/conf/gitolite.conf
add the line:
repo repository_name
RW+ = username
to add a user simply add the public key file to the keydir directory, do a git add, commit, and push and there you've got a personal git repository.
PS - if you are new to git that means
>> git add
>> git commit -a -m"some informative message"
>> git push
if git complains about you not having an identity, run
>> git config "my name"
>> git config ""
both of these should be set to something.
and finally, once you clone an empty repository make some dummy file such as a readme, then to do
>> git add readme
>> git commit -a -m"some msg"
>> git push origin master
All this information is on the internet already but not in one hopefully it helps.
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